Saturday, January 5, 2013

Catching Up

P and I had a great day today. A Trader Joe's recently opened up around us so we went to check it out, lots of affordable groceries and almost all organic. We also went to check out our stroller at Giggle.  Convincing P that we NEEDED this stroller was difficult haha but eventually he caved.  Hoping to order it on Amazon over the next few months.  We decided to go with the UppaBaby Vista, a bit of a splurge but that's okay with me...

I will leave you with a few pictures taken over the last few weeks...

Taken Christmas Morning (not a great one of the bump)

A version of this was used for our Christmas card this year.

No, this was not taken at a store, this is baby girl's closet.  I won't even
tell you about all the onesies hidden in her dresser.  Don't worry,
I have been buying newborn through 18 months haha!  I told you
December was a stressful month!!


And finally, Sage, telling us how very excited
she is to be a big sister soon!


  1. loved the pictures. Looks like your daughter will be quite the fashionista

  2. Ahh! Wish we had a trader joes! Love seeing all the girly colors in the closet. Both my hubs and I have a serious shopping problem when it comes to our little guy.

    Have y'all started preparing the pup for her sister's arrival? We have a golden and she has taken great to Matthew. While I was pregnant we layed blankets on the floor and set up all the swings and bouncers and put her toys in them and not letting her touch it. It worked well since she really only sniffs him and lays next to him. I'm sure your retriever will be great with your little one, too!

  3. Omg! The closest is packed. I guess that't the major advantage of knowing the sex. Our little gal or guy has very little clothing at the moment. There will be some MAJOR shopping once s/he arrives. You look fantastic by the way!!

  4. Great photos! That closet is totally rammed - and you mentioned drawers as well?! Jeepers your daughter looks like she's got an outfit for every occasion. Hahaha, I can't wait to find out the gender of mine so I can pick up a few things too :-)

  5. Love the closet! Reagan has a lot of people around her that have a serious shopping problem especially my brothers fiance. The Christmas card is adorable. Zoe has done great being a big sister and I'm sure Sage will too.

  6. so sweet!!! So glad things are going well. I will probably start buying things after 20 weeks. I also love how much Sage is excited!!

  7. Love the pics. Trader joes sea salt & turbino sugar chocolate covered almonds. Try them. You won't be sorry. Promise.

  8. Yay- so happy to see that everything is settling out and you're enjoying the baby preparations :)

  9. Cute pictures! My pups (well, our Lab at least) is VERY interested in the nursery. He already knows where his spot is to lay and keep guard - ha! :)

  10. Happy 24 weeks! You look fantastic. I'm glad that everything has been going well...if a bit stressful.
