Monday, May 21, 2012

One Down, One More to Go, But Not Without a Little Excitement

Sunday (written yesterday)

I am on cd 26 which is SUPER early for me to get my period (well I guess now it is cd 1.)  This afternoon I began to feel a little crampy.  I went to the bathroom and noticed I had some brown spotting.  That never happens to me.  I am sure you can see where this is going.  For 5 seconds I thought "Oh my god, this must be implantation bleeding, I must be pregnant!"  For 5 seconds I thought "Oh my god I am going to be one of those girls that gets pregnant before her first IVF cycle!"  And those 5 seconds were the happiest I have been since heading down this winding road.

I calmed myself down and of course ran out to the store to get pregnancy tests.  I anxiously peed on one, set the timer for 3 minutes, then went back and checked and it was stark white.  In the back of my head I knew there was just about no chance, we were only given a 2-3% chance each month to begin with, add sickness into the equation and I am pretty sure our chances were about 0.5%.  But, a girl can still hope and boy did I feel a little bit of hope! 

Anyways, a few hours later my cramps were worse and the brown turned to red.  I got my period.  After only a 25 day cycle, I got my period.  I will NEVER EVER not temp again.  Had I temped we could have avoided the stress over when I ovulated and we also could have avoided the 5 seconds that I thought I was pregnant.  Tomorrow morning I will begin temping again.  Tomorrow morning I will regain some control again.   


I called my RE just to let them know I am on my last natural cycle and get some estimated dates.  Assuming I get my next period around June 15/16/17 I will begin Lupron end of first week in July.  The IVF coordinator told me I will be on Lupron for 10-14 days before beginning the Gonal-f depending on how my baselines go and then we will be off.  As it gets closer I will go into a lot more detail, but for now it isn't really necessary. 

If it weren't for the huge threat of OHSS I don't think I would have any reservations.  The shots don't bother me anymore and I am no longer afraid of the "wand" haha.  But the fear of OHSS will keep me up at night as it gets closer.  I know everyone says it is rare, but when your RE tells you be ready for some form of it, it is a little scary.  I know I shouldn't be thinking about that yet, and for the most part I don't, but every once in a while I can feel my heart start to race over the thought of it.  I have read people's blogs who have ended up in the hospital for days w/ it because their abdomen needed to be drained YUCK.  Like I said, I always hope for the best, plan for the worst. 

I just have to keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end.  I have to keep reminding myself what those 5 seconds of thinking I was pregnant, felt like.  Because I want those 5 seconds back, and I want them to last 40 weeks.  I want a baby.  We so desperately want a baby.


  1. I think being ready for some form of it is pretty common and not nearly as scary. I think I had a mild case right after my BFP, but it wasn't bad enough to call the RE - just bloating and uncomfortablenss. My RE saw a lot of fluid in my abdomen even when he did the transfer, but it wasn't "too" much, I guess.

    A friend of mine had a more serious case and was hospitalized, but she just delivered a healthy baby last week! You'll just need to be paying close attention to yourself.

    I'm sorry you got your period! I really hope the next steps work for you...or that you get your miracle baby this month.

    You'll probably be finding out the result of your IVF right around my birthday! I think that's a good sign : ).

  2. Sorry about your BFN...=( I know how hard it is to not jump ahead with thinking about worst case scenarios with OHSS, that's a hard one to keep off of your mind! Wishing you lots of peace between now and when you start your IVF cycle!

  3. Sorry, hon. I remember hoping and desperately wanting to be that legend who got pregnant right on the cusp of IVF. You'll get 40 weeks and I hope you get them VERY soon. How exciting that it's all starting.

    I had very mild OHSS and it was tolerable. There are lots of women on here who had more-than-mild OHSS and they can tell you all about it. Basically, I was told to avoid sugars and to drink lots of fluids. I was up peeing 4-5 times a night, but that turned out to be good because all the fluids in my abdomen were coming out. The peeing was the OHSS, not that I was drinking that amount of fluids.

    A friend of mine who got lucky her first IVF had mild OHSS and it got worse when she got pregnant. Of course she was happy it got worse because it meant she was prego. So I hope you have some mild feelings that get a little worse and then you have a happy 40 weeks. I'm so sorry about your BFN.

  4. Sorry about your bfn. I got one too, although after trying so long, even knowing we are not alone doesn't really help anymore. I will be thinking and praying for you with the meds. Hopefully everything will go smoothly, and like I always tell myself when I am worrying about all the bad things that could happen..."if they happen, i'll get through it somehow...i am strong". And you are too. Good luck hun!! Someday, this will all be worth it to us :)

  5. Sorry about your BFN. I hope your next cycle is the one!

    Happy ICLW!

  6. I think all those fears are normal. Because I have PCOS, I was well aware that I could develope OHSS. But your RE will keep an eye on you, so as long as you are stimming slow and steady, you should be okay.
    I know what that hope feels like, thinking you are pregnant and have beaten the odds. It's a real mind screw. I wish you a speedy next month.

  7. I'm so sorry that your AF arrived... hoping your BFP arrives soon and thinking of you with all my heart as you head towards IVF. OHSS is a scary thought... know what you mean... but I was told early on that I was at risk of it and it hasn't happen to me (touch wood). Love always xoxo

  8. Please don't keep yourself up over it. Your doctor will do his best to keep your E2 lower this time. Hopefully they'll have learned from how you reacted last time and adjust your protocol a bit.

    There are also medicines that can lower your chance of OHSS, and it's not a switch you flip. The bloating is on a spectrum...for some women it is uncomfortable and makes your clothes not fit, for very few does it impact your breathing, ovaries, and require draining. They'll give you instructions on what to look for specifically, and take care of you if your bloating becomes extreme. You can do this. I know you can.

    I hope August is a very lucky month for you!

  9. Hi there -

    I am recently recovered from a pretty severe case of OHSS following my first IVF and while it was not the most fun, I can honestly say it wasn't as bad as I had made it out to be in my mind ahead of time. I did have to be drained, twice, but it was done on an outpatient basis at my IVF clinic, the procedure was very similar to the retrieval, and I felt MUCH better afterwards. I produced a lot of eggs and so was at higher risk for it, but they kept saying it was good that it got worse (started about a week after my transfer) b/c it likely meant I was pregnant and I'm now a little over 6 weeks. As others have said, pay attention to your body and if something feels off, even if you aren't sure, call your clinic and they will keep an eye on things. Best of luck to you with your upcoming cycle!

  10. Hello from ICLW! Just wanted to say that I wish you all the best with your cycle and I hope everything goes smoothly.

  11. Hi there! I hate the ups and downs of being infertile. I tell myself the same thing. To keep remembering the end goal. It will be worth it. I will be crossing my fingers for you!

  12. I hope things go well with your IVF. I can understand your fears of OHSS, I sincerely hope that it does not happen to you. Instead I hope for a happy and healthy 40 pregnancy.

    ICLW #26

  13. Oh those 5 seconds are the best and the worst. Keep focusing on the end goal. It is difficult (trying so hard myself right now) but we need to focus on something. Only one more cycle till your IVF. Getting so excited for you!

  14. Hi from ICLW

    We are looking at IVF too and I keep hoping the same thing. Recently DH got a much better SA so we are going to keep trying on our own a few months, but IVF is always lurking around the corner. I'm sorry you didn't get your lucky BFP, but I hope your IVF cycle is a success!
