Monday, April 2, 2012

And it's time...

April is here!  This is a busy month for us.  Saturday I have a baby shower and I am pretty sure the whole day will be emotional for me but I am going to try and make the best of it and be as happy as I can for my friend, it doesn't help that I am waking up early that morning for b/w and u/s.  The following two weekends we have weddings, my insemination may fall on the same day as one of the weddings, oh well! 

Since my vacation starts in a little less than two weeks we had really hoped to get away somewhere warm, but doesn't look like it is going to happen because of our crazy schedule.  Maybe we will plan an overnight trip or a few day trips, because my vacation is right in the middle of our 2ww and I know I will go stir crazy sitting at home all week.  February vacation was almost the death of me!

I had my cd 3 u/s and b/w today and they called this afternoon giving me the go ahead.  After seeing my ovaries on the screen (I only peeked for a second, beacuse I didn't want to see them if something was wrong) I drove to work with just a tiny burst of excitement.  It was a feeling I haven't had since we began trying a long time ago.

The nurse told me my ovaries looked good and she could see a handful of tiny follicles on either side.  One of those follicles could mature into an egg, which could be the beginning of our first baby.  It's pretty powerful stuff when you think of it that way!   I am trying to remain calm because I know our chances aren't that great, but they are better then our chances were when we were trying on our own, and better than when we tried Clomid for 2 months, so it is hard to not get a little excited.

This afternoon I got the nurse called with my plan: start 75 IUs tonight through Friday night and I have an appt. Saturday morning at 8:15 to check out my follies and see how they have grown.  I had such mixed feelings tonight.  I can't believe it is here, we have waited for this for so long, and at the same time I CAN'T BELEIVE THIS IS HERE, we are still not pregnant!

I decided I would give myself the injections.  I am kind of a control freak and like to do things my way.  I also wanted to prove to myself that I could do it.  So, I headed into the bathroom upstairs where I had the alcohol swabs, pen, needles, and everything else.  I knew the first one would be difficult, I just wasn't sure how difficult.  I literally was staring in the mirror pinching and prodding at my skin trying to figure out how the heck I was going to do this.  Every few minutes I would walk out and look at P wondering how I was really supposed to do this.  He finally pretended to get mad and came in the bathroom with me, I screamed at him to get out and I announced I wouldn't come out until I did it haha!  Definitely never pictured us having these kinds of conversations when we said "I do!!"

I went up to the bathroom around 8:10 and when I walked out around 8:30 the look of shock on P's face was priceless, he didn't think I would be able to do it!  I am hoping to get it under 10 minutes tomorrow night but we will see.  It didn't really hurt at all, it is more just everything it represents.  Never in a million years did I think I would be in the bathroom sticking needles in my stomach to try and have a baby.  But, here we are, and I did it...


  1. Congrats to you! That was a big step! I am not a fan of needles so I am amazed by your courage!

    1. Thanks, it is crazy what you can convince yourself to do when you want something bad enough!

  2. I had to give myself shots of progesterone in the bum. It gets easier each time you do it. In the end, I felt like a champion!

    1. Oh man, I heard those hurt!! I do feel pretty awesome after doing the first one, unfortunately its already time for the next one!

  3. Good job! I don't think I could have done the first one myself-you're brave! I remember having that same feeling that I was looking at one of maybe babies! Pretty cool!

    1. Yeah, it's so cool thinking of them on the screen and what they could become :)

  4. Good for you! It gets easier and before you know it, you'll be sticking yourself in 30 seconds at a friend's house. Doing the shots yourself can be very empowering. You are taking control.

    1. That's what people tell me, unfortunately it is a normal we don't want to get used to! It is pretty empowering doing them myself, there is so little control we have over things when you get to this stage!

  5. Congrats. No small feat doing that first injection yourself. Tomorrow will be even easier. And from there- you'll feel like a pro. This is not how any of us expected to get a baby, but we all do what we need to.

    1. So true, we do what we have to do, because we really don't have a choice...

  6. Yay! I knew you could do it. Like everyone says, it will get easier with every shot. I predict under 5 minutes start to finish tonight :)

    1. Haha thanks for the awesome encouragement!! So happy you changed your name to it :)

  7. Good job!!! It's SO hard to give yourself an injection! We just did our first month of injectables and I am glad it's over! It actually didn't hurt that bad, it's just weird sticking a needle into your own skin! I hope you respond well and have some great follies this month! :)

    1. That was the weird/hard part for me, thinking I was sticking this super sharp needle through my skin...AHH!!! So glad your injectibles are over, fingers crossed for you!!

  8. Yes! Great job on the injection, Lindsay! I pranced around like a darn fool before my first one :) So glad the u/s went well. I can't wait to hear how much growth you have by Saturday!

    1. Well, I took your advice and iced it. although I think by the time I actually did the shot, my skin was no longer "frozen" haha! I can't wait to hear how Saturday goes either...thanks for thinking of me!!

  9. You did it! You are braver and stronger than you know :)

    Thank you thank you thank you for the socks!!! They are wonderful. I am wearing them right now and they are SO comfy and cozy...and adorable.

    I had my baseline yesterday and I will be starting stims tonight, so we are cycle buddies as well as sock buddies. I've got everything crossed for you!!! Best of luck!!! And thanks again for the lovely socks.

    1. So glad you love your socks, polka dots are my favorite so I was hoping you would like them too! Good luck with your cycle, hopefully we won't be cycle buddies next month :)

  10. Good for you! I love your determination!!

    1. Thanks!! Let's see if it continues into tonight!

  11. I also chose to give myself injections. It was my way to have some control over the situation. That said, it's still not easy. I remember plenty of mornings, staring down at the needle seconds before I stuck myself and thinking "I really don't want to do this, but . . ." So good for you.

    I hope the baby shower flies by for you on Saturday. If you need anything, we're here. In the meantime, GROW FOLLIES GROW!!

    1. Oh Cristy, I can't tell you how much your encouragement means to me. Your strength continues to amaze me, I think of you all the time...
