Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Not Bad Days, Just Bad Moments...

I am currently 9 dpiui.  The first few days of my 2ww were horrible because I felt like crap.  Since then, I have felt great!  My stomach is still a little funky, but totally related to the progesterone.  One of the side effects I was looking forward to having was bigger boobs, but OF COURSE that didn't happen!

I have been on vacation since Monday and the weather has been gorgeous.  I am in such a better place than I was 2 months ago, during February vacation.  I have spent time with friends, shopped, cleaned, and gone on long walks with my pup (who also doubles as my therapist...I pay her in treats!)

I haven't had any bad days lately, just bad moments.  I have been in the car a lot lately.  I love to drive in the warm weather, with the windows down, blasting my radio, it makes me happy.

But, there are still bad moments and in those moments it feels I am in the middle of the ocean, drowning, desperately searching for something to save me, and I can't find it.  In those small moments I feel tired...tired of acting like everything is fine, tired of watching everyone else have babies...tired of constantly trying to swim, just to stay above the water. 

The thing is I can't put my finger on what causes those bad moments, one day this week P came home from work and I just got teary eyed, another time I was in the car listening to a song, and my mind must have wandered off and again I got tears in my eyes.  Babies are EVERYWHERE.  I went off facebook about a month ago and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made.  I know so many people in the upcoming months that are due to give birth and a few of our friends even had children that turned 1 this month, that does make me a little sad. 

Like I said though, I am in a much better place.  I know that no matter what happens I will be okay.  I will bounce back, my body will bounce back.  I am 99% sure this cycle failed and although I will be sad when I get the phone call, I might even break down for a few minutes, but I know I will be okay.  Some of you will tell me to be hopeful over these next few days and while I appreciate it, I am simply being honest with myself.  It would be the most wonderful miracle if it happened this month, but we were fighting an uphill battle almost from the start.

We have decided we will move forward with another IUI, assuming this one was unsuccessful, and I am cleared of cysts.  P told me the decision was mine, and I feel comfortable going ahead.  The shots were a piece of cake, I had almost no side effects, with the exception of the trigger, and I will be much more prepared.  I talked to my doctor's office today and there will be a change in my plan, but we will not know specifics until next week. 

So, for now, I am enjoying every minute of my vacation and my alone time.  I know our day will come, I just hope it comes sooner rather than later because this sunny weather can't last forever...


  1. You sound so much better! I am glad to hear that your mind and body are recovering, and that you're enjoying your vacation.

    I can very much relate to your 'not bad days, just bad moments.' It's hard to always have a rosy outlook, but I'm not sure it's important to always have a rosy outlook either. Take care!

  2. I understand what you are saying about being honest with yourself. Being realistic can be seen as pessimistic if all signs point to a negative outcome. And this is a good way to protect yourself from unnecessary pain. I will hope for a miracle for you, just in case, but it really sounds like you are handling the 2ww very well.

  3. Glad to hear that you are mostly enjoying your time off! I think bad moments are completely unavoidable but at least they are moments and not days on end. I haven't ditched f'book quite yet. I've just blocked all of the overly baby stuff. Glad that it's brought you a little bit of peace!

  4. Gotta protect that heart! I hear ya! I'm the same way...sometimes when someone tells me to think positive, I just think of all the reasons why it didn't half empty much? Keep on enjoying your vacay!

  5. You are doing wonderful. Your head space is very understandable and I think that being realitic with a small hint of optimism is a good thing. You will be okay. If this cycle doesn't work out for us, I will be okay too.

  6. I can so relate to everything you wrote! I think we all get those bad moments...IF just does that to you I think. This is a hard journey to walk without getting discouraged every now and then. I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation! =)

  7. Hang in there, girl. You sound like you've got a clear head. I liked going straight from cycle to cycle. Made me feel like I was doing something. And I'm totally with you on the no FB. I am not missing it.

  8. Happy to hear things are going better and that you are having some beautiful weather to enjoy! I have thought about closing my Facebook account so many times, I just haven't done it yet. It certainly is a stressful environment for me too! Thinking of you in the days ahead and next month if another IUI is in store!

  9. Thinking of you and holding out hope for you... know what you mean about bad moments... hoping your good news is to come but you sound strong and brave if it turns out that you have to move onto another cycle xo
