Thursday, June 7, 2012

Naive No More

It's funny the way your mind obsesses over things.  You do your best to tell it to stop, distract yourself, but it just doesn't work sometimes.  And sometimes the more you try not to think about it, the worse it becomes...

One of the worst things about going through this is not knowing when it will end.   If it will end. Mommy Someday wrote a post about this recently.  Tell me when it will end and I will be better at handling all this crap, but there is no way of knowing.  This could end in August, maybe by Christmas, hopefully by the end of next school year.  But, maybe it won't.  Maybe it will end in my husband and I walking away from fertility treatments.  I can't imagine getting to that point, but I also can't imagine living through another 18 months of this and being okay. 

I have been trying to put into words what this experience is like.  How it feels to deal with this on a regular basis.  It is such a roller coaster of emotions day after day.  CD 1 always brings new hope for me, waiting to ovulate is torture because my cycles are all over the place, the 2ww has become less of an event because my hopes for a positive have diminished, and yet there is no way to describe that first time you wipe and see blood realizing it didn't work AGAIN, the absolute despair.  IF is a daily struggle.  Somedays I feel as though I am just sitting here watching the second hand go around and around, time doesn't seem to move as fast or as slow as I want it to...EVER. 

I have looked really tired lately and people have been noticing, it's not that I can't sleep or don't sleep, I am just drained.  This is draining.  Sure, it helps to keep busy, have things to look forward to, but in reality keeping busy is just an attempt to occupy my mind for a few hours.  An attempt to escape this ugly thing looming over my head morning, noon, and night. 

I am not the same person I was 18 months ago.  It makes me sad because some of my relationships have suffered because of this.  I can't be angry at people for having babies, for wanting to talk about their pregnancies, that isn't fair to them.  Yes, I can hope they show some compassion and sensitivity, but for most of them it is their first pregnancy ever. I can only imagine the excitement they must feel which means they have absolutely no way of knowing how I feel.   I can't put myself in their shoes and they certainly can't put themselves in mine.  With their excitement comes my feelings of loss, anger, and I guess a little bit of envy.  I don't want to reach out to them.  I still do from time to time, but I am very shut off.  When you have a baby your whole world revolves around that little one.  Every story shared, every picture taken, every shopping trip revolves around the baby.  And while it must be the most wonderful feeling in the world, it is those things that make it very hard to talk to my friends now because they are consumed with the one thing I am unable to have at the moment.  As happy as I am for them, it hurts to hear their stories and see their pictures.  The hurt is deep, it exists in a place I don't really think I have felt pain before.  So, I am learning it is okay to be selfish.  It is okay to put myself first, because right now I don't have stories to share or pictures to show.

Then I think about what will happen if/when I become pregnant.  Will they not want to hear from me because I was so absent in their journey?  Will they understand?  Will they be able to support me when I was so unable to be there for them?  Is it wrong for me to think I should have a "get out of jail free" card?  I don't know how this journey will end, I wish I had a crystal ball to tell me what these next few months/years have in store for us.  But, I don't, and the only thing I can do right now is take care of myself.  Because right now, being me is not that easy.  And somedays, just putting on a happy face, is all I can do.  Anything more is asking too much. 

Becoming a part of this blogging community has been like opening up the doors to a world I never knew existed.  A world most of my friends and family will never know exists.  And as thankful as I am for finding it, there are times when I wish I never had to open that door.  That I too could stay naive forever.  I have read so many stories of heartache and loss that it has darkened my view of pregnancy.  Before trying to get pregnant, I thought miscarriage was something that happened to very few. I had thought you have sex, get pregnant, have a baby, repeat.  And for many that is the case.  I guess I was naive about miscarriage in the same way I was to infertility.  But, after being part of this community for a while now I realize that not only does miscarriage happen to MORE than a select few, but the chance of it increases when you get pregnant through IVF.  So, I am afraid.  I am afraid I will never get pregnant.  I am afraid that if/when I get pregnant I will not be able to enjoy it because I know what "could" happen.  I am afraid I will have a miscarriage.  I am afraid of everything about this whole process. I have read your stories, I have commented on your posts, I have "seen" first hand the effects a failed IVF cycle can have on you.  How can you posibbly prepare yourself for what lies ahead? 

But, I have also seen the uplifting effects being a part of this community.  When no one else understands, I blog, when I feel overwhelmed with sadness, I blog, when I have questions, answers, and stupid stories, I blog.  And blogging makes me feel better.  So, if I have to be a part of this world of infertility, I am so glad I can do it with all of you.  Blogging is no longer something I do for fun, it is something I do to survive.  Something that makes me feel like I am not alone.  Something that makes me feel like no matter what happens, I will be okay.


  1. I feel the same way about blogging. I don't know how I could've stayed sane without it. Enjoy your

  2. What a beautiful post! I can tell you enjoyed reading and writing in school, you are great at putting your thoughts into words. I think I struggle with this sometimes, making it difficult for those on the outside of this IF world to understand how I feel. I give you a "get out of jail free card." Use it as much as you need :)

  3. Know how you feel when you talk about being drained with the daily struggle of IF... it's torture sometimes... but also so glad that we're here for each other. Love to you always xoxo

  4. I agree. I don't know how I would get through the moments and days and weeks and months if I didn't have this community to turn to. To blog and know that someone is reading and cares, but also to know that even when I can't find the words to blog, I can read instead and know that I am not alone in this.

  5. It is a struggle, there have been times I have had to walk away from my computer because of things on facebook. It still hurts and I am still scared, so very scared actually. Hang in there, July is almost here!

  6. Oh, my dear friend. I wish I could give you a HUGE hug. I can say with 100% certainty that if I wouldn't have found blogging, I would be insane by now. Even if real life people don't get it, you have a city of people online that do. Knowing your thoughts and feelings, especially the ugly ones, are valid makes all the difference.

    I know you must have friends that may not "get it" yet(and some never will) but I hope beyond all hope that you will have someone who will step up to protect your feelings in the future. Even if it's asking a newly pregnant friend to possibly keep the baby talk to a minimum during lunch while you're will appreciate it for life! If not, tell me and I'll fly your way to be the B :) Much love to you! XO

  7. I know these emotions you write about so very well. Many of my relationships suffered around months 8 through 16 of my TTC journey. That was when I was most angry and avoided pregnant women and those with newborns - which meant avoiding close friends. But those relationships did wait for me and the ones that count understood. I am out of the angry phase now (probably because I am just so broken that I have no anger left). I am confident that my good friends will be elated if / when I get pregnant. And those who aren't ... oh well.

    Try to be kind to yourself. This is the toughest journey I have ever experienced. Don't beat yourself up for the terrible thoughts and feelings. I promise you that the majority of bloggers - if not all - have felt them and maybe even expressed them. I know I am guilty of some TERRIBLE thoughts and when I've expressed some to my hubby, he thought I had lost my mind.

    We are here for you. If we could know when this shit would end, it would be down right easy to deal with. But we can't and don't. And we have to just bear down and beat this bitch of an experience.


  8. There are so many touching parts of this blog. All of which I understand and compare to. The sadness of not being able to support and be there for your pregnant friends. Worrying that they will feel bitter when you finally get what you are waiting for. Feeling frustrated that you won't be able to have a niave first pregnancy like everyone else's all too familiar. I am gald you are putting it all out there and using your blog to help yourself. Really no one else can truely understand the complex emotions involved in IF and treatments. You are doing the best you can. Go easy on yourself and take care. I have faith that you will get there.

  9. Praying for you girl! You so deserve a babes

  10. I often deal with the struggle of "When will this end" *sigh* I love that you were so very open in this post. . . I understand a lot of what you feel. Thank you for being so honest. I'm grateful to know woman such as your self through this amazing community. ((hugs)) Blogging has saved me too!

  11. I am so sorry that you are in this "place". It is a horrible place to be, forever waiting and hoping. It was 27 months of trying (15 with help) before we finally got pregnant and it was by far the lonliest time of my life. Nobody can possibly understand how devastating it is to want something so badly and have zero control over it - whole everyone around you knows only results. I pushed so many people are lucky to have found this outlet early on, they are a wonderful bunch of ladies who have been to hell (and back!) and are so supportive and understanding. I agree - the worst part is not knowing when, how long will do you torture yourself? Will it all be worth it in the end? Likely, yes. If you don't give up, you will get a baby. But if we only knew when.....I hope it is soon and that it is worth every penny and every tear. Good luck :)

  12. You've got the love you need to see you through.
    I think teaching is hard because we become so much more aware of the time passing and upcoming deadlines.
    I hope hindsight will have some great message in the Ttc journey
