Thursday, September 27, 2012

Graduation Day

Yesterday was a lot harder than I thought it would be.  I squeezed in both my last appt. with Dr P and my Nurse's appt. at my OBGYN's office thinking it would be perfect to take the day and get both done...looking back, it might not have been the best idea!

We walked into our ultrasound with Dr. P and as soon as she put the probe in she started smiling because she saw our little one dancing away.  She turned the screen toward us and we saw it too!!!  He/she was a little over 2 cm long and had that strong heartbeat again of 179 and was wiggling around.  P and I were overjoyed.  She also said my ovaries were finally shrinking back to size.  I did have one question before leaving Dr P and it involved baby #2...too early maybe haha?  Anyways she told me that as soon as P and I wanted to start again, all I had to do was call and we would go right back to where we left off.  Try a frozen embryo transfer with our one remaining from IVF #1 and if that didn't work we would proceed with IVF#2.  She said she would like to see my body recover for a year after the first baby and then after that we could jump right back in. 

It was so sad to say good-bye to her and that office.  I had to have gone there 15-20 times just July/August alone.  They were so compassionate and professional and everything else you want someone to be who you are trusting your body to. 

So, we drove home, I had a quick lunch and then headed out alone to my appt. with the nurses.  As I was sitting in the waiting room, I couldn't help but feel out of that normal??  I didn't want to be there.  The office is gross compared to my RE's office and I can't tell you how many people walked in pregnant and their date of birth ended in 89, 90, 91.  Ahh, so much younger than me, and I am not even that old at 29!! 

Then I got called back for an hour long chat with the nurse.  I tried to put on a happy face but it was difficult.  The first question was..."Was this a planned pregnancy?"  Yup, I did IVF.  She also asked if I had started my prenatal vitamins and again, yup, started them in September of 2010.  And it went on and on... Limited amounts of caffeine, no alcohol, are you kidding, this has been my routine for months now!!!  Then I had to pee in a cup.  I asked if the Crinone leftover would be any type of problem and she looked at me like I had five heads having no idea what Crinone was or even understanding the words progesterone gel.  I am sure the meeting wasn't as bad as I was making it out to seem, but she had no idea about infertility or IVF or anything else that had been going on with me and that really irritated me.  It ended with them taking four vials of blood and then I proceeded to go home and cry!! I think it was just a long day and I was really sad to be saying good-bye to such a wonderful office to transition to one where I was treated just like everyone else.  But, I guess now that I am pregnant, I am just like every other pregnant woman?  Doesn't feel right, but I will get over it.   

Onto the exciting news.  Our first appt. with our OB is next Friday and I will be 10 1/2 weeks.  There won't be an ultrasound but I am sure she will do a pelvic exam and go over lots more information.  The last time I saw her was over a year ago, when she handed me a Clomid script and referred us to a urologist and reproductive endocrinologist...can't believe it was that long ago!  After that we will schedule our NT scan which has to happen between 12 and 13 weeks (mid-October.)  We also found out that our anatomy scan will be in the first two weeks of December and we are beyond excited for that!  Seeing our baby yesterday was absolutely amazing, feeling my baby bump is even crazier.  Every once in a while P and I look at each other and say how we still can't believe it.  We still have a long way to go, but we are so thankful for being pregnant right now.  And here is a picture of our growing jelly bean...


  1. YAY! I am sooo excited for you :) You said now you're "just another pregnant woman." I guess to others, we are. But we are never just that woman to ourselves, and that's what's hard to make others understand. I'm grateful to have a nurse who will check baby's heartbeat whenever I get nervous, but I'm sure there are many nurses out there who would never do that.

    I'm just thrilled for you and baby! (and hubs, too!). Enjoy your weekend now that you can relax.

  2. Very happy to hear you've graduated!! Congratulations!!

    Based on this post, it makes me wonder if there are OB/GYNs out there who understand IFers/RPLers. Because all you went through seems a bit ridiculous, but is also absolutely necessary for the rest of the population!

  3. Dr. P did my transfer today and she did it beautifully! I didn't want to be creepy and bring you up... but I did feel it was a good sign. I'm so glad everything looked so wonderful at your scan. I hope to be in your shoes some day!

  4. Yay so overjoyed for you! I completely understand how you feel about going from your RE to your regular OB. I think my first appointment with the nurse who was younger than me! How exciting that your anatomy scan will be in December so close to Christmas. Congrats again!

  5. Awwwww what a cute jelly bean! I am so happy for you!

  6. Yeah!!!!!! What an adorable picture of your little one!!! I did the same thing on my graduation date from the RE's office and asked all about attempting to have #2 and FET...I felt a little silly about it, but I was so curious. I got the same advice about taking a year off! Anyway, I am so happy for you. So much joy! What a blessed time! Take care!

  7. I've been waiting for this post!!! I'm so happy for you both. Happy graduation day!! Congrats!!

  8. Congratulations on graduation. Sounds like a bitter sweet day for you. Your little one is growing fast!

  9. Awe, your litle guy/girl looks perfect! That has to be hard to move on from a group of doctors and nurses who are so caring and compassionate. I hope with time you become more comfortable with your new office and your appointments become a little less stressful. Congrats on graduating! That is a huge milestone!

  10. I've been thinking about you. Congrats on your graduation! I've found that some nurses (and OBs) are very familiar with what's involved with IVF and other's aren't...but really, you're right, they're going to treat you like any other pregnant woman now! In some ways this is kind of great, who want's to be the special case forever? But in other ways, I think that IVF changes how you feel during early pregnancy. I think that I would have been much more relaxed and apt to go with the flow (and would I have even known to worry about some bleeding and spotting?) if we hadn't waited so long and tried so hard to achieve this pregnancy. So having that kind of understanding from your healthcare providers is helpful.


  11. Oh my so happy for you guys :) I wouldn't know, but I can only imagine that the transition from RE to OBGYN (being treated like you just took a jello shot one night and got knocked up) would be a little difficult and overwhelming! Try and stay positive, you have a sweet baby growing in deserve this :)

  12. I can totally imagine how difficult it would be to make that transition. But officially graduating from the RE is still really exciting because things are going well! I'm so happy for you. Cant wait to see that belly continue to grow. :)

  13. I know how you feel. It's really very hard to transition to an OB's office who has no idea about you or what you went through. They asked me about drugs, alcohol and smoking after I told the nurse about doing IVF and I said "are you serious?"
    When I looked for an OB, I sought one out who was at least a specialist in high risk and asked to see a MFM as well. I figured they would be more used to dealing with IVF patients and difficult situations. But you still get the clueless nurses and techs.

    I am so happy to see little bean! Congrats yet again on a true miracle.

  14. Beautiful baby, so so so happy for you. I am in the same boat with respect to #2 too - I literally was thinking about how do we get pregnant with #2 before we got pregnant with #1!

  15. Such a cute little jelly bean! Transitioning back to a regular OB's office is hard - I know what you mean about feeling like "just another pregnant woman." Hopefully though you like your OB, and he/she takes good care of you, regardless of how you got to be here. Hope you have a good appointment next week!

  16. I think it is normal to wonder about baby #2...we've talked about that already, too!

    What a cute little babe you have!

  17. Hi, gorgeous little blob. We are SO close together in pregnancies, I am so excited!!! :)
