Friday, July 13, 2012

It's On

I just got the phone call.  It's on.  I ovulated, which didn't surprise me because this morning my temp. was up.  But, instead of starting the Lupron injections tomorrow, they want me to do one tonight, then one tomorrow morning, and every morning after that until my baselines on July 26th.  I was hoping to go out to eat tonight, and enjoy a big glass of wine.  That's not going to happen.  Instead I will be watching the clock anxiously for 7:30 pm and then 7:30 am; waiting to inject myself w/ the first and second of many, many needles.  

I am so not ready.  P is not ready.  What the heck are we getting ourselves into?  Maybe when I get these first few out of the way the excitement will come, but for now I am just hoping the hotel we are staying in tomorrow night for yes, another freakin wedding, has a refrigerator because the Lupron needs to be refrigerated.  I guess we can bring a cooler with us and just keep refilling it with ice, we are going to need one for the car anyway. 

Please let this work, and if it doesn't, please let P and me be okay.


  1. You will be fine. You CAN do this.

    Don't let that stop you from venting as you need to probably won't be easy! But we'll all be here cheering you on.

  2. Good luck! I'm sure the shock that you're actually doing this will wear off after the first couple shots. You will be okay and you can do this!

  3. You can SO do this! And I'll be excited for you until you can be excited yourself (then we can just both be excited)! Thinking of you and sending virtual hugs:)

  4. You two can do this! We are all rooting for you! :-)

  5. Once you start those injections, you might find yourself less worried about the outcome than in your last IVF (in other words, you might relax into it more). You guys CAN do this, and there'll be plenty of good times between each of those injections so remind yourself of that to help keep positive. You will be fine. Big hugs x

  6. You can do this! You are strong! We are all here for you!

  7. This will all become easier and easier. I know it's scary, but it is also a very empowering process. You are DOING something to help your body create loads of eggies. Trust me, after your first couple of nights, you will feel the excitement.
    use a cooler with some cold packs. That should be just fine!
    Good luck!!!

  8. Thinking of you... I've always found the anticipation worse than actually doing the injections. Hope is goes smoothly for you... hugs from Oz xoxo

  9. Starting is the hardest part, I think. Once you're in it, you'll get your game face on :) We're all here for you- good or bad! You can do this!! XOXO

  10. Woo hoo! Welcome to the party (shots, shots, shots, shotsshotsshotsshots everybody!). Seriously, they aren't so bad and you will get used to them. And whatever you're feeling is right and okay to feel. Excitement may or may not come but like Alissa said, it gets easier! Hugs to you, you'll be just fine!
