Saturday, April 21, 2012

Almost Over

In 2 days, my 2ww will be over.  I will get that phone call and we will begin again, and I am anxious to get going.

We have another wedding tonight. I have mixed feelings about going.  He was one of my good friends our last few years of high school and our first few years into college.  We don't talk as much anymore, but lately P and him have become closer.  So, I am really excited to see him today and a bunch of guys we went to high school with.  I am NOT excited about making small talk with their wives/girlfriends.  Like I have said before I have always related better with guys then girls, I love to laugh and joke around.  But, I feel like I am now at an age where it is not as socially acceptable to hang with the guys haha and I have to force myself to make conversation with their wives/girlfriends.    Normally, I would have a few drinks and it would be a BLAST, but a few months ago when we got the invitation, we just knew there was NO WAY I wouldn't be pregnant, so we didn't get a hotel room because we knew I wouldn't be drinking and could drive home.  Worst of both worlds: I am NOT pregnant and I CANNOT get drunk because I have to drive home...ughh hopefully one glass of wine will help.

I woke up the last two mornings and tested.  WHY?  Because I am obsessed.  I know I am not pregnant, and it is just cruel to keep doing this to myself, but I can't help it.  I have even debated stopping the progesterone suppositories because the way they are messing with my hormones.  But, it is my first cycle on them and I only have 2 more nights, so I can hang in there.

P took Thursday and Friday off and insisted we go somewhere for the night.  And although I fought him all the way, not wanting to go, I have to admit it was good to get away.  When the three of us (Sage included) are away from here it feels like we are in our own little bubble.  It isn't that our problems with having a baby disappear (we actually had a nice conversation about it while out to dinner Thurs. night) but they aren't in our face all the time.  Our two upstairs bathrooms are filled with monitors, OPKs, leftover syringes (which I should probably toss out,) tests, and anything else you can think of.  No matter how much I try to not let it, it is taking over my life. 

Thursday and Friday were nice enough that we decided to take Sage to the beach.  Dogs are allowed until Memorial Day, and we LOVE to watch her run around.  P especially loves it.  At one point I was taking a picture of the two of them and I thought to myself, could I be happy if it was just the 3 of us and a huge lump started forming in my throat.  Since the day we got Sage we have talked about how good she will be around kids.  She is the best dog in the world, and that is not me just being bias!  She loves to play, she's protective, she cuddles with us in the morning...How could you not love this face?? 


We have been talking a lot about getting a new car, an SUV for me, and when we went to the beach we were in an SUV and Sage can't jump up.  So, as we were driving away P said to me that we are going to have to get one of those mini step stools for when we get an SUV this Fall.  When I asked why, he told me because Sage would need one to get into the car.  She is a LAB!  She is going to have to learn how to jump up I told him as I was laughing.  He is going to be such a good dad...

Then come the questions...Why is this happening to us?  Why can so many people want a baby and then have one?  I know I can handle this and I hope P can, but that doesn't mean I want to.

The number 12 seems to be popping up a lot lately.  To be considered infertile, a couple needs to be trying for at least 12 months on their own.  May will mark our 17th month and I don't feel ANY closer, in fact, after the Clomid in Nov. and Dec., and the Bromocriptine since Jan, and the IUI this month (all things that were supposed get us a baby and have failed) I feel farther away from having a baby than I ever have.  I am trying so hard on a daily basis to be okay with it, but the bottom line is, it just makes me sad. 

Between 10-12% of couples deal with infertility when trying to have a baby.  That means almost 90% DON'T! 

At my clinic the success rate for an IUI is 12% for a typical couple.  We are dealing with a few issues that make us a not so typical couple, so does that mean our success rate is even lower?  Doesn't that seem like a shot in the dark?  Are we wasting our time?  We missed my LH surge for IUI #1, what if it happens the next two cycles?  Will I look back and wonder why did we waste this valuable time?  I guess only time will tell... 


  1. Hello from ICLW, I wanted to stop by and say I'm sorry about your struggles. The 2ww can be absolute agony and I hope you get answers soon and are able to move on to the next step. Best of luck to you!

  2. God do I know how you feel. I often think the last 16 months have been a waste of time because my chances of getting pregnant were so low. What you said about feeling *farther* away from pregnancy the longer you try makes so much sense. I know we *should* feel like we're getting closer to figuring out what will work. But so far it feels like a total crap shoot and each month my odds are no better than the last. Best of luck for your up-coming cycle, I hope that it goes *exactly* according to plan for you.

  3. Visiting from ICLW. Hang in there, one of these months WILL be yours, and will make all the others a memory. Good luck on the upcoming cycle, and I couldn't agree more about the dreaded progesterone during the 2ww..I am finding its giving me false symptoms. uggh.

  4. I love these pictures of sage! What beach are you at?

    Thanks for your comment today. If you do ever end up having to do IVF, we should chat! Knowing how my body reacted to everything, there are so many questions I wish I had asked.

    Hang in there these last few days! I'll be thinking of you.

  5. Hello, Visiting from ICLW, but I've been reading along for a while. I can relate to the impatience. The 2ww is bad enough, but it is made worse when you know you aren't pregnant. I hope things line up this next cycle.

  6. I always find that the times I'm the most down and all I want to do is lay in bed, watching TV, sipping (or guzzling) a glass of wine are the times I end up being the most grateful for being dragged out of bed. Distractions are good. Even when you know it's just a distraction and all the crap is still there.

    I hope this next cycle goes better for you!

  7. I'm visiting from ICLW, but I would be visiting anyway! Thinking of you and wishing you lots of luck!

  8. I can totally understand your feelings about the wedding...I get like that when I think of friends getting together and going out, because I feel like I can NEVER have a drink because of cycling. It sucks. This all sucks. Sending lots of love and hugs over the next couple days.

  9. Hugs, hon. Lots and lots of hugs

  10. Thinking of you through this hard time... stats are certainly not on our side when it comes to IF but hang in there xoxo

  11. Hope that the wedding went okay. I know how difficult those situations can be.

    Glad that you and P were able to get away for a little break. Love the pic of P and Sage. The beach looks beautiful.

  12. You and I are alike because I feel more comfortable around the guys than the girls. I always feel like I have nothing in common with them. Love the pics of Sage, I'm sure her and Zoe would be great playmates.

  13. Visiting for ICLW. Your dog is beautiful! Wishing you peace today, the end of your 2ww.
