Saturday, April 14, 2012


This has been the longest I have gone without posting in the 2 months since I started blogging.  I don't really know the exact reason why I haven't felt the need to, but it could be the millions of thoughts I have swirling around in my head.

Emotionally and mentally I am doing pretty well.  Physically, it hasn't been the greatest few days.  I came down with a horrible case of nausea and stomach "issues" on Monday night, to the point that P made me call the nurse and I had to sleep on the couch and take Tuesday off as well.  I am getting used to the suppositories but they're not my favorite, this is usually how it goes...wake up with cramping, take my prenatals...go to bed with lots of  bloating, take my bromocriptine, and progesterone suppositories, get up and repeat. 

P and I may or may not decide to move forward with another IUI next month.  Crazy, we spent the last 16 months waiting for this IUI and now we both are left wondering what to do.  I really want to sit down/have a phone conversation with my RE. 

After I went in for my baselines on cd 3 and was told to go ahead with the injections, they said they didn't want to see me until cd8.  I remember calling P and saying I thought that was very strange since we had no idea how my body would react.  Especially since I had responded so extremely well to only 50 mg of Clomid.  But, what do I know?

I was also a high-risk candidate for OHSS which I have been petrified about since Monday.  Because my estradiol was 2300 on cd9 and I had so many follicles in the small/medium size as well as the 3-4 mature ones, its the perfect storm for OHSS.

To be honest, whether this cycle works or not I am so looking forward to it being over...and I am pretty sure it is not going to work.  I have been doing research and because I was only on the stims for 6 days before I did the trigger, even though I had 3-4 follicles that appeared to mature, the quality of the eggs is most likely to be poor.  I am almost positive I ovulated sometime Sunday (my BBT skyrocketed Monday morning and has remained up for the last 6 days) and I think the on-call doctor realized what was happening, and had me come in early Monday for the insemination to try and catch the last few hours of "good eggs."  He had me to trigger Sunday afternoon after bloodwork had already picked up the surge that morning.  Couple that with only 8 million motile sperm and we are once again not a good recipe for making a baby.

I would be okay with all of this if I thought my clinic did the best job they could monitoring me, but I don't think they did.  Don't get me wrong, everyone there has been wonderful, and great to work with, but that doesn't make up for everything.  I totally get that each person responds differently to the meds, I just think with my history I should have been in earlier. 

I remember Satuday night (cd 8 after my estradiol came back at 1300) giving myself the lower dose of gonal-f, wondering if I should even give it at all.  I also remember moments before I gave myself the trigger shot on Sunday thinking, maybe this isn't a good idea.  I need to learn to trust my gut more.  Maybe my cycle should have just been cancelled.  But, at the time, P and I had no idea what to do.  So, we plunged ahead.

I am also having a hard time getting the scene of the insemination out of my head.  Hearing the nurse tell me she has tried 5 different types of catheters (some with hooks, bumps, curves) and can't seem to get any to work.  Hearing the doctor ask to the nurse to get a thicker catheter from the other room.  Holding my knees up by my chest to try and make the angles better.  It was pretty traumatizing, definitely not the 3 minute procedure I was expecting.  But, again, it's over and I am pretty amazed at how resilient the mind and body are.

I am currently 5dpiui and just (while I am writing this haha) tested the HCG out of my system using a pregnancy test.  Lots of people say it can take up to 7-10 days for it to leave your body, but I did an Ovidrel trigger 250 ug, and I guess that can leave your system in as early as 4-5 days.  I tested two days ago, and it was still there.  So, if in a week I get two lines I will know it is not from the HCG trigger, but the HCG my body is producing meaning I would be pregnant. 

It is getting warmer in New England and April vacation is here.  I am going to try my best to relax and enjoy.  Our ride is not over yet, and I am going to try and enjoy every turn from here on out (as much as I can!)    We are on our way to my friend's wedding, it is beautiful outside and I just got an awesome dress that I am psyched to wear.  If I can't feel good, the least I can do is try to look good!

Even though I haven't been commenting as much lately, I am quietly lurking and have been silently rooting all of you on :) 


  1. Regarding the monitoring, I think that's a pretty normal timeline. For IVF they see you 5 or 6 days after you start stims...

    I cannot believe how traumatic your IUI was! That is really terrible. Maybe if it's even a few hours earlier next time, your cervix won't be so closed!

    Enjoy your break!

  2. I am so sorry your IUI experience has been so awful! I am thinking of you and hoping you can enjoy your weekend!

  3. I have been thinking about you! Glad to see you're hanging in there. I'm sorry this experience has been so tough...but you've learned a lot, I think! No matter how you're feeling about the outcome, I've still got everything crossed for you! I hope you have fun at the wedding. I love having a cute dress to look forward to :) XO

  4. I've been feeling sort of ho hum about posting lately too. Maybe it's something hormonal, since our cycles are almost exactly alike this month!
    I'm hoping for the best for you this month and hope that you feel good about all the decisions that are ahead :)

  5. I'm sorry your IUI was so awful!!!! Enjoy the wedding and your new dress and I'm crossing my fingers that this ends up working for you!

  6. Oh my goodness -- hooks and bumps on the catheters -- that makes me cringe just thinking of it! You are a trooper! It is so hard to know what to do in all of these situations. we trust the doctors, but I agree -- sometimes it's hard to know if they are necessarily doing what is in our best interest. We have to go a bit on blind faith. Take good care of yourself over the next week!

  7. I'm so glad that you're bouncing back emotionally. This is such a hard process, and all the unexpected turns in the road you had with this IUI definitely made things even more difficult.

    I had very similar feelings after our first IVF (which had similar unexpected turns - even down to them having a very hard time with the catheter), and my only advice it to give it time. I spent way too much energy considering what I would do next immediately after the procedure (even before our beta), but for me it was too soon. Having a couple of weeks to let your body and mind heal before making any big decisions can be very helpful. At least it was for us. (I know, easier said than done.)

    Take care Lindsay! I'm hoping that luck has found you still...I'll be thinking of you 'til your beta!

  8. It is totally okay to "Lurk" I often do the same when I am unable to comment, or when I'm just not able to share thoughts. I wanted to let you know that I've still got my fingers crossed for you :) I also nominated you for the Leibster Blog award, so stop by my page and take a look - Have a great weekend!!!

  9. I'm so sorry to hear that this IUI has been so rough. So not fair. I hope you begin to feel better soon and that, even with all the chaos, there is good news very soon.

    In the meantime, to take your mind off things, I've tagged your for a Q&A. No pressure, but I'm curious to see your answers.

  10. Thinking of you as you recover and so sorry to hear about your IUI experience.... as if IF isn't trauma enough. I'm keeping my FXd for you and hoping this is the one for you... often the most wonderful news comes out of difficult cycles. xoxo

  11. I lurk a lot because sometimes I just can't type out what I want to say or when I do it ends up sounding not like I wanted it too. I'm so sorry your IUI was such a painful ordeal, you are such a strong person and even stronger since going through it. Hugs to you!

  12. I'm so sorry about how everything went down with the IUI cycle. I can only imagine how disappointing it was but don't lose hope yet! You still have a shot here.

    I wanted to let you know that I tagged you in a Q&A. Feel free to participate if you have time - but no pressure of course!

    1. I tagged you as well! I hope you're having a good day today Lindsay. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  13. Prayers are with you, Lindsay, that those Hcg levels in fact are because you have a bun in the oven. I feel horrible about all that you went through to get to this point. Sounds like horrible bedside manner on their part. Fingers are crossed!!!

  14. The nurse had trouble with the catheter during my IUI too, not as bad as yours, but it wasn't the easy quick procedure I'd expected. It's so hard to go through all of this stuff - you can't plan anything, and it's not the intimate loving experience that making a baby should be. It's okay to be sad, angry, frustrated and a little traumatized by it all. It's also okay to be amazed by your own strength and resilience through it all and to lean on your husband a lot. Good luck to you!!!
