Saturday, April 7, 2012

We have growth!

Today is cd 8 and I went in early this morning for u/s and b/w.  I dragged P with me because I am tired of feeling like I am the only one going through this.  I know he is, in his own way, but I need him to be physically by my side a little more.  He was a little overwhelmed but also told me he feels like he is learning something new everyday (I did notice his eyes did light up a little when we left as he realized what all of this could lead to.)

I am waiting for the b/w results and for the nurse to follow up with my next steps, but here is what we saw.  My left ovary was about 10 mm smaller than my right (I think my left was right around 30 and my right was right around 40.) The nurse said that was fine because lots of times the angles you measure the ovaries at can effect the actual measurements.  On my left ovary I had one follicle measuring 14 mm and on my right ovary I had two follicles, one measuring at 15 mm and one measuring at 12mm.  She said I also had a bunch of littles ones on both sides that could turn into something over the next 48 hours.  This is my first time getting down and dirty with my follicles so I am trying to make sense of it all, any and all thoughts are welcome!

I am only on cd 8, it seems early to have 2 follicles so large already.  But, I am not really surprised, when I was only on 50 mg Clomid I was told I released mutiple eggs.  I think I respond really well to these fertility drugs, but maybe I have no idea what I am talking about?  The nurse said they like to have you trigger when your follicles are between 16-18 mm, and two of my follicles are about a day or two away from being that size.  If my follicles grow 1-2 mm a day, I would guess that I would be triggering Monday night and go in for the insemination on Wednesday morning, which is earlier than I had thought.  But, again, maybe I have no idea what I am talking about? 

I am trying really hard to stay calm and level-headed through all of this.  Like I have said before, I am hopeful, but very realistic.  Success rates are higher with multiple eggs, but they are reduced when there are MFI, so who knows?

This is going to sound crazy but whether this works or not, I will be happy when this first one is over.  I feel like there was so much build up to this IUI (months and months of looking forward to this step) that my life has been put on hold.  I am not saying that the second one (if we need it) will be any easier but there will be less "firsts" and I will know exactly what I am dealing with/what to expect, I won't be as uptight about everything.  But, for now my life continues to be on hold...


  1. You probably won't be triggering on Monday night. They will want all of your little follicles in the running to get up to size. They will want to trigger you when the majority of your follicles are in that happy range. Expect to have your bigger follicles to be in the 20's by then, and a bunch of the ones that are small now to be between 16-18. It sounds like you are on target to have a great cycle!

  2. Yay! I was thinking of you this morning! My guess is that they'll wait for the littles to catch up too. Sounds like a super update! I'm glad you responded well to the meds. Onward and upward!

  3. Glad to hear things are moving along! They triggered me for my second IUI when I had 1 dominant follicle on each side (18mm and 19mm). (For my first IUI I didn't trigger because I surged on my own.)

    And, although I hope you don't have to do this again, you are right. The second time was definitely easier :)

  4. Yay! Great news and hopefully a GREAT cycle:)

  5. Good luck with your impending iui! I am about two days shy of my first iui as well, without a trigger shot. Here's hoping this is our month!
