Saturday, April 7, 2012

cd 8 part 2

Of course I spoke too soon, too effing soon. Just 5 minutes before I walked into the baby shower today, the nurse called, change of plan. My estradiol levels were sky high which doesn't match up with my follicle count, with my numbers I should have seen lots of BIG ones today. Here I was thinking 3 follicles measuring above 10mm was a good thing, but it's not. I have about a dozen follicles measuring under 10mm, they should be much bigger with how high my estradiol levels are, but they are not.

High estradiol can cause a cancelled cycle, it may also explain why I have thought over the past few months my body prepares to ovulate and something happens. Hopefully this ends up being nothing, but for now its something.   I can't believe this cycle might actually get cancelled...

I am so frustrated and upset. I didn't even ask the nurse the right questions. So for now I have to lower my dose to 37.5 IUs and of course go in for another u/s and more bloodwork tomorrow morning. Why is this so easy for some and so difficult for others?

The shower sucked. I put on my best face and pretended to be happy but I was filled with sadness and anger. Then one of my friends looked over at me and said, "I think you're brave for being here," and I just about fell apart. Just a few hours ago I felt great and now once again I feel ready to fall apart...


  1. SHIT! Lindsay, I'm sorry. Hopefully the lower dose will help. So frustrating! XO

    1. I knew I jumped the gun when I blogged this much for trying to stay calm, that flew right out the window. Thanks for thinking of me, it means so much!

  2. That news was poorly timed. Grrrr! You did very well to hold your shit together at that baby shower (I would've lost it).

    1. Haha no kidding, although I think we have all gotten pretty good at hiding our true emotions when we have to (not sure if that is healthy or not) So glad you found my blog, I look forward to following you too!

  3. I CANNOT believe that someone said you were "brave" to be there. Honestly, you were, but it should have remained unspoken. It's just rude! I myself have NOT been to a baby shower in years! I refuse!

    I am so sorry that your cycle got cancelled. I'm the QUEEN of cancelled cycles. =( Unfortunately, IF is unpredictable. Try and find something nice to do for yourself! Much love and prayers from Alabama!

    1. Yeah, baby showers are rough. It's weird though, I find myself to have a much harder time dealing with the actual announcement and happiness that follows than I do showers. My cycle isn't cancelled yet, but if the numbers don't go down that's where it's headed. Thanks for thinking of me :)

  4. Ugh! I am pissed at IF for you too! I am already on a rampage against it today so I'll add this to the list. Hope the lower dose helps. Prayers.

  5. Boo...I'm sorry. Hoping and hoping that you get to proceed with the cycle. :)
