Monday, April 16, 2012

Questions, Questions, Questions

I can't believe I am saying this, but answering all these questions has been a lot of fun.  I was actually sitting at the computer smiling to myself, at one point even laughing.  Thanks to Cristy at Searching for Our Silver Lining, Sass at (In)Fertility Unexplained and Shelley at From the Waiting Room for giving me a much needed distraction!  So, here are the rules...

Here are the rules:1. Post the rules.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
3. Create 11 new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
4. Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
5. Let them know you’ve tagged them.

These are Cristy's questions:

1) What do you want to be when you grow up?

I LOVE my job, but I often think it would be so much fun to be an event planner.  I have always been pretty organized, and although it sounds super stressful, I always thought it would be fun. 

2) Do you have a favorite season? Which one and why?

Since marrying P, I have grown to love the fall...pumpkins, apples, football, warm days and cool nights.  But, I also love the first snowfall in winter, and the first warm day in the summer.  Haha, the only season I am not CRAZY about it Spring, but so far we have had gorgeous weather this Spring in New hard to pick a favorite!

3) What is your fondest memory (childhood, teenagehood or adulthood)?

There are so many!  I remember when my brother and I were growing up, sitting around the kitchen table with my mom and grandparents ordering Domino's pizza and playing solitaire.  I am pretty sure I learned my first few swear words from my Nana after playing that game so many times!

Another fond memory I have is from one of my birthdays in elementary school.  My dad picked me up from school and had flowers for me.  He was not the real sentimental type back then (although he sure is now) and that is something that has always stuck with me.

4) Name one thing you absolutely love about your sweetheart.

I love to listen to him talk to our pup while I am upstairs in bed and he is downstairs cuddling with her, it always makes me smile and makes me think of what a wonderful father he will be someday...

5) Speaking of music: Hip-hop or hard rock?

Depends on the day!  Probably more hip hop than rock, but some days I listen to Colplay for hours and hours, other days I can listen to Katy Perry, Jason Mraz, Florence and the Machine....the list goes on and on...

6) Tell me one thing you did in the past week you are proud of.

The few days after my IUI when I went back to school and was able to pretend I was fine. 

7) Tell me one thing you love about your body. one of my best friends C would say my bubble butt.  I am pretty thin, always have been, but that little poof on my backside adds just a little bit of character haha. 

8) What was your favorite childhood toy?

I am pretty sure I had a cabbage patch doll named Emma that I loved, I also remember being very fond of Teddy Ruxbin (sp)??

9) Share a funny story.

Can't think of one right now, although I am the type of person that usually spends half of my day laughing, so when I can think of one I will post about it!

10) Looking back on this journey, what is one thing infertility has taught you?

Live in the moment.  Yesterday is over and we don't know what tomorrow will bring.  I need to stop wasting time worrying about the next procedure or the next test.  It is hard, but I need to appreciate the times I feel good, allow myself to break down, and know that it will not be this way forever.  I will have tough days, days that I want to cry, scream, punch something, but tomorrow is always a new day.  It is amazing what your mind and body are capable of handling when there is no other choice. 

It has also taught me how important support is.  Even though there are many days I feel I am fighting this alone, I am often reminded by family, friends, and the blogging community how much support there is and the fact that it is okay to reach out and admit I am struggling...

11) Finally, in honor of Mel's picky eater posts, share with us the one food you think everyone needs to try before they die. Explain why.

I am a super picky eater, actually I have the taste buds of a 10 year old, and I am okay with that.  So, it is more something that is my favorite that I never get sick of...Buffalo Chicken Pizza (what can I say, I have simple taste!)  I have probably tried it from over 10 restaurants over the past year and I cannot get enough of it!

These are Shelley's questions:

1. What’s your lucky number and why?

I don't really have a lucky number.  I guess looking back I would say was my high school basketball number.

2. Do you still live in the place where you grew up? Why or why not?

Haha, sadly P and I both grew up here and we are BACK!  It is such a great town, in the middle of two cities.  And, our families are close.  Family is very important to both of us.

3. Name one goal you have for yourself this week.

P has really been encouraging me to reach out to find an infertility therapist to talk to.  So, I hope by the end of the week I can find a few names/numbers in my area and at least reach out to them by phone.

4. What’s your favorite item of clothing or jewelry in your closet right now?

Just got the best dress from The Loft to wear to my future SIL's shower.  Here is a pic...Loft Dress
I have pretty much no figure, no hips, no boobs, just tall and thin so it kind of works for me.

5. If you could only have five kinds of cheese for the rest of your life, which five would you choose?

Not really a "cheese" person per say...So, going to change the question a little haha...five things with cheese in them that I love...buffalo chicken pizza, queso dip, Cracker Barrel sharp cheese with pepperoni and wheat thins (I know I have such simple taste haha,) cheesy fries from Longhorn (SO BAD FOR YOU) and favorite of both P and me is good old-fashioned grilled cheese sandwich on a cold day!

6. Do you have any tattoos? If so, tell me about them. If not, would you ever get one?

No, but I have ALWAYS wanted one.  I keep telling myself if we are not pregnant in the next 6 months or so I would like to get one.  Something small, something that represents hope and courage.  But, hopefully I will never need to get one :)

7. If your significant other was an animal, what animal would he or she be?

I have ABSOLUTELY no idea...I just asked P what he thought and he said a horse, when I said why, he told me because they are majestic (neither one of us are very creative)...he is so corny haha, I guess that would be another thing I love about him. 

8. Are you an early riser or a night owl?

Kind of in the middle...I don't mind being up early, and some days I can stay up late.  All depends on how my week is going, and what cycle I am on haha!

9. Would you rather be a dog named Killer or a cat named Fluffy?

Oh god, neither!  I am not a fan of cats, and Fluffy just sounds to cutesy, yet Killer is way too nasty for me. 

10. How has infertility changed you?

Oh boy, what a loaded question.  I feel it has made me stronger.  It has made me realize I can handle much more than I ever thought I could.  But, it has also made me a little cold.  I have lost a little bit of myself in this battle.  The moments where I am truly happy and living in the moment seem to be fleeting...

11. Tell me about your oddest quirk.

Oh god there are so many!  My biggest one is with my food.  Since I was a kid, I have not been able to eat foods that touch other foods i.e. my corn can't touch my mashed potatoes.  I think it is a texture issue, but it effects a lot of my eating habits, definitely something P finds quirky (maybe annoying) about me!

And last but CERTAINLY not LEAST here are Sass' questions

1. Where did you grow up and how did it shape you?

I grew up in a sports town.  Being an athlete was super important, which is why it felt so great to be a big time basketball player.  I am sure you were hoping for a sentimental type answer but I just can't figure it out right now!!

2. Do you have any siblings?

I have a younger brother who is getting married in July. 

3. What was your first job?

I used to wake up on Saturday mornings after my basketball games Friday night and ref little kids sports.  Every job I have had since I can remember involved kids.  Babysitting, coaching, camp counselor...

4. If you've lived more than one place, what was your favorite home?

I am a HOMEBODY...never lived anywhere besides here, unless you count college, and even then I often times came home on the weekends haha

5. Where and when did you meet your partner?

It was time for senior prom (high school) and P asked me to go, we have been together ever since.

6. If you could return to school to study something different, what would it be?

I have always thought physical therapy was something I would be good at/enjoy. 

7. What was your favorite vacation?

I had SO many awesome vacations when I was a kid between Disney World, Busch Gardens, Six Flags, New Hampsire...I wasn't kidding when I said I had an awesome family.  My brother and I were very lucky.  As an adult, it would have to be our honeymoon to Hawaii.  It was the most beautiful place I have ever seen on earth, we will go back someday...

8. If you could recommend one book, what would it be?

The Help...phenomenal book

9. When did you know that adding a child to your family wouldn't be easy.

I hate to admit it, but I can remember almost 10 years ago admitting to my mom I thought I would have trouble.

10. What is your diagnosis?

There are so many!! High prolactin, MFI, unexplained...I am sure if I thought hard enough I could find more "problems" with my body

11. If you could give one piece of advice to the person you were when you were just starting your IF journey, what would it be?

Try and enjoy my time with P more.  We spend so much time sad, angry, frustrated, that I almost feel like we have lost the last year and a half of our life.  We decided not to do things for fear/hope we may be pregnant, and here we are still waiting...

Finally, here are my questions for YOU...

1. What drink do you miss the most when you are cycling?
2. If you could go back and change one thing about your life, what would it be?
3. Who is your celebrity crush and why?
4. What movie do you watch when you want/need a good cry?
5. Tell me about your best personality trait.
6. What is one thing that you do that drives your partner crazy (and not in a good way?)
7. What do you think the best thing about parenthood will be?
8. What is your favorite tv show?
9. Is there a song that you listen to/think of when you are having a particularly bad day?
10. How do you keep charging ahead with IF?  What gives you the strength?
11. Name one POSITIVE that has come out of your struggle with IF.

If you don't want to answer these, I totally understand, but to be honest, I kind of had fun with it and would love to hear your answers...

Laura @ Adventures of an Infertile Myrtle
Emily @ The Empty Uterus
Becky @ This Blissful Journey
The Bird @ Bird Meets Bee
Mrs. GG @ Baby Making Merry Go Round
JustTooBusy @ Too Busy Living To Be Perfect
Ess @ Good Luck-Try Again
Meggola @ Lost in Procreation
Emily @ A Blanket 2 Keep
Sometimes @ Sometimes It's Hard to Get Pregnant
Crystal @ The Redhead Files

I really should have tagged everyone because I would love to hear all of your answers, but I am starting to see spots on the screen which I think is a signal I should probably get off...thanks again to all my friends for such a great distraction :)


  1. I know this month has been particularly hard for you, and I am so amazed that you are able to be so insightful about your journey while still in the middle of it all.

    Also, I want to meet your family. They sound so fun :)

  2. I loved reading your answers! You had a lot of questions! I also am amazed at how you can look at the situation you're in now and have such insight! Sometimes you can get hit with branches when you're trying to see the forest for the are doing a great job hanging in there! XO
