Thursday, April 26, 2012

Worst Timing EVER

I got my period yesterday.  Seemed rather fitting since it was also the day I had my appt. with Dr. P

It went well, as well as it could have gone.  P didn't go and it was kind of sad to be sitting there alone.  I don't feel overwhelmed more a sense of melancholy I guess, kind of just going through the motions.  Happy we have options, unhappy we need them. 

On to my meeting with Dr. P...

In her words, she has never seen a patient respond to meds. the way I did.  Which is why she does not feel comfortable going forward with another IUI.  I was started on the lowest possible dose 75 and I was a follicle-making machine.  She really didn't think it was safe.  Each month the ovaries respond differently, for all we know, as responsive as my ovaries were, next time could be worse.  With IVF there is much more control.  So, we will be moving forward with IVF w/ ICSI. 

I expressed my huge fear of OHSS and IVF and she said those fears were warranted.  I probably will develop it, to what extent, like she said, she wished there was a crystal ball she could look into and tell me, but we will just have to take a leap of faith that it will not be severe.  When we move forward with IVF she will be starting me out on the lowest dose of Gonal-F she has ever started a patient on (112.)  This makes me feel good and bad.  Good, because I know she is looking out for me, but bad because we might not get a great response.  She said she likes to get anywhere between 10-15 eggs.  Shouldn't be a problem for me (I hope!) 

So, the timing.  Yesterday.  I sat down with the IVF Coordinator and she gave me an estimated date of June 13 for egg retrieval give or take a few days.

I also sat down with the insurance/financials person again and after getting authorization which shouldn't be a problem, insurance wouldn't be a problem (we are so very lucky, I know.)
As apprehensive as I was just two days ago, hearing Dr. P talk about sperm and egg FINALLY meeting and forming our own little embryos was so exciting.  It got me to thinking that maybe, just maybe, this could be our time.  So, since I have had such a change of heart, let's get started NOW! 

Oh wait, my brother is getting married the first weekend in July and I have the shower, bachelorette party, and all things wedding in both June and the beginning of July.  What does that mean? We will most likely have to put this off for 2 more months.  We have come this far and now more waiting.  Kind of frustrating, but I refuse to be that person that takes attention away from my brother, as selfish as I think I should be allowed to be right now, I don't want to do it.  What if I missed the shower?  People would be talking about ME, not them.  What if I get a bad case of OHSS and it screws everything up?  Again, it would be about me, and as much as I want so badly it to be about me right now, I just don't think it's the right thing to do.  This is my one and only sibling and I want to be able to celebrate the day with him, without any unwanted attention on me.  To think, we started trying back in December of '10 so we would have a baby before the wedding, so I wouldn't be pregnant for the wedding, and here we are almost a year and a half later not pregnant, no baby, no belly!

Impulsive me (still) wants to jump right into this head first.  Like I just jumped into planting flowers in the ground last weekend, even though we are expecting a frost this weekend and they will probably die!!  Ahhh!  But, if we jumped right in, I would spend the whole cycle in a panic, worried about timing, and dates, and everything else, and I don't think that is a good state of mind to be starting out in. 

What does all this mean?  We most likely will be waiting two cycles (this one and the next) and then begin IVF.  That would put us right around the beginning of the last week in June, and then I would begin the Lupron 3 weeks after that and we would be on our way.  No, it's not fair and it seems so far away, and yes I would like nothing more than to whine about it.  But, maybe this is a good thing.  If IVF is anything like my IUI it will probably not go smooth, and maybe we are not ready for that right now.  Our relationship certainly isn't.  We are both walking around on eggshells, each time one of us opens our mouth, the other is ready to pounce.  Maybe we can use this time to focus on us a little bit more. 

In the meantime I have to go in for cd 3 b/w on Friday, the last step needed before authorization can be sent out to our insurance company for our first IVF cycle.  Turns out my last cd 3 b/w to measure my e2 and FSH (ovarian reserve) was done in May of last year.  Holy shit, it was almost a year ago when I paid a visit to my OBGYN expressing my concerns after 5 months without success, she thought I just needed to give it more time, oh how I wish she had been right!


  1. You are such a thoughtful person! It does sound like you have some pretty massive family events coming up,and it is a shame to have to wait a little bit longer when you've already been waiting so long. But you seem to have rationalised this decision quite well, and you seem comfortable with it - so it must be right! I'm beginning my first IVF around the same time as you, so we can compare notes ;-). Everyone seems to say it'll all be worth it in the end...

  2. IF is so hard. Hang in there Lindsay. You are a strong woman and you can do it.

    We took a break between our IUIs and IVF, and I think it was a really great decision. It was a busy time for us too, and it was nice to put fertility on the back burner for a little while and focus on the other things and people in our lives. I hope that taking a break gives you some time to regroup, enjoy other things in life, and enter your IVF in a good place. Thinking of you...

  3. I think it's amazing what you're doing for your brother. You're so thoughtful.

    It does seem like there's a lot of "waiting" when doing anything related to IF. Right now we are waiting one more month until starting the IVF process again. We got started, but had some issues with Brandon needing to be tobacco free and my crazy uterus.

    Maybe we will be starting IVF around the same time! =) And God does have this all planned out. I've tried to embrace this time of "waiting" and enjoy some of the little things I had forgotten about. =)

  4. So the timing's not great, but on the bright side, you have 2 months to get yourself ready for this! And it sounds like you'll be busy, so hopefully you'll be able to not think about it much because you'll be preoccupied with other happy things. The pregnant at the wedding thought made me giggle because I have been a bridesmaid twice since TTC and was convinced that I was going to not fit in the dress at the wedding because of my belly...not quite. :)

  5. Sounds like you made a very thoughtful and informed decision to wait until after the wedding festivities. Bravo for having the strength to do so...I know it's hard to wait. And wait. And wait. You're doing the right thing and hopefully by you and P being able to focus on other things, it will help you to reconnect. Love and hugs! XO

  6. I'm sorry P couldn't go with you but Matt has never even met my RE. What strength you have to hold off for your brother, he is lucky to have a sister like you!

  7. God I know that feeling. Just wanting to push forward and get it done. Still, I think you're reasoning is sound. IVF is a rollercoaster in its own right. So proceeding when you can give it your full attention is wise (thank you for that reminder, btw. I needed it today.).

    One thing to consider: these next couple of months are not wasted ones. This is the time that you will be preparing your body (and P's) for IVF. In fact, a lot of experts recommend viewing IVF as a 3-4 month process just for this reason. So enjoying yourself at the wedding as well as preparing will only help you get that much closer to a THB.

    Hang in there. As sass said, IF is rough. But you are not alone.

  8. Sorry you have to wait. I seriously think that is one of the worst things about IF. I hope that they are able to manage your follicles well and you get the prize of a BFP from your IVF cycle!!! Best of luck!

    ICLW #95

  9. I'm really glad the appointment went well. Summer will be much easier (unless you teach year-round) and now you get two "miracle" months to hope for, but not be devastated if they don't work because you know what the next step is. Don't worry about the low dose either. They'll be checking you so often that they will be tinkering from day to day if you're not where they want you to be.

    Good luck!

  10. Glad it went well, and I was just struck by how hard it is compared to 'normal' people. You don't often hear of people putting of natural conception to avoid complicated timing. (I respect your desire to honor your brother and avoid conflicts, I'm just sad that things can't be easier). Thinking of you and wishing you peace and patience.

  11. I am glad that your appointment went well and that you have a plan. Even if I have to wait some time as long as I have a plan and feel we are moving forward I am fine.

    I agree that it is an exciting time when sperm and egg meet! The next two cycles will fly by. I am so excited for you to get started - this could be it! :)

  12. Oue estimated retrieval time will be around July 13th. I hope we are both preggo together.
    BTW... I nominated you for the lovely blog award on my post today. ;)

  13. Oh, I am so delighted for you that you have insurance. I really believe (for me) the majority of the IVF stress is the money it costs. My doctor told me she'd try 2-3 more times if I had insurance and that she'd probably get me pregnant. Even with my crappy eggs. I am so thrilled for you.

    I'm also really glad you have a doctor willing to take you to the next step so quickly. IUIs can work for some, but I think they are a big waste of time and emotions for most of us.

    It sounds like IVF might be hard on you, but your doctor - who has done this before and who sounds very thoughtful - can raise your medications as she sees necessary. So if you don't respond immediately, she just ups them. It's very common in IVF so don't worry too much about you starting low. She's just protecting you from definite OHSS and a potential canceled transfer.

    Two cycles seems like an eternity away, I know. In March when I scheduled our recent appointment, I knew it would be 2-3 cycles away. That seemed terrible. Now that we've had our appointment, though, I realize how quickly it'll come. It's already been almost 4 months since I started my IVF meds - wow that time has flown.

    Good luck!

  14. Waiting is always so hard... great to have a plan but always hard to wait.
    Thinking of you and have nominated you for a One Lovely Blog Award...
    ... sorry that it's taken me a few days to let you know... I'm a little behind on reading.commenting :(
    Love to you always xoxo

  15. WOW .. I think you are a very good sister, thinking about him and not wanting to take anything away from them. You also need to do what is right for you. Sounds like you and your hubby might need to do some reconnecting ... sounds like you are going through a lot right now and need a hug. {{{HUGS}}}

    Perusing your blog via ICLW (#86)

  16. we are in such a similar situation!! We had our first IUI and it had to be canceled because I had too many follicles. Then we did it again and even though we still had a lot that were above 13 (7!) they told us we could go ahead if were we comfortable with multiples. While that made me super nervous we did it but it was unsuccessful. My dr. didn't feel comfortable trying again because of how my body responds and we are going forward with IVF too. Same thing happened with timing. We were going to try in May but the dates of the retrieval were right around my brother's wedding so we had to push it back to June. I was incredibly disappointed and it took me a long time to be ok with waiting. A month seems like forever when we've been trying so long. I am a teacher too and with the end of the year being so busy and my brother's wedding I am realizing how hard it would've been to be doing it now. Hoping that summer will give me time to rest and take care of myself when we start in June. I know the waiting is so hard though. Will be thinking of you guys as you wait too!! (sorry for the LONG comment too!)
